Saturday, December 31, 2011

Romans 1

This chapter contrasts the righteous v. the unrighteous, and the difference is faith. Our faith allows us to look at the creation (visible) and have faith in the Creator and his attributes (invisible). Those lacking faith use a variety of explanations to explain the complexity of nature. Reading this passage reminds me of Hebrews 11:1-3. I love the word choice used by the ESV in verse 1: "...the conviction of things not seen." Without faith to convict us that God is behind everything, we would be like those in Romans 1:21. Hebrews 11:3 says that through faith we can understand that what we see was not made out of things that are visible.

Those without faith suppress the truth (1:18) and exchange the truth about God for a lie (1:25). In this world we are constantly in contact with those who do not honor God or give any value to His word. One way that we can be on guard and not be influenced by unrighteousness is to know His word. The more of His word that we have in our hearts, the stronger our faith will grow and we will have a defense against the unrighteousness that is around us.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Fresh Start 2k12

Hey friends,

With a new year it's time to start another daily Bible reading. We started the blog last year to help us share our thoughts & to hold one another accountable to making God's scripture a part of our daily lives. Even though posts tapered off about halfway through the year we thought we'd give it another go & do better to encourage one another in 2012.

Excited about the books in this year's plan. Most days are only a chapter so take advantage of the shorter reading to reread & really meditate on His word.

You will find the plan just to the right side of this page. Let me know if you have trouble accessing the blog...some of you will need me to resend the invite so you can post. Just send me your email!

:) Kendra & Candace