Saturday, February 5, 2011

God's Grace

I am going to go back a few chapters here because I can't get Jacob off my mind. I know that I am in no position to judge, yet Jacob strikes me as very imperfect. The Israelites prided themselves on being the sons of Abraham. God is referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The promise was repeated to Jacob. Jacob did not act righteously all the time. He cheated Esau from his birthright and blessing. He made sure the flock produced whatever Laban promised. He snuck off with Laban's kids and grandkids without saying goodbye. He let his sons kill an entire village of people for the actions of one man. I know that Abraham and Isaac weren't perfect either, but Abraham was known to be faithful in God's sight. Yet, God blesses Jacob over and over. He causes the flock to reproduce in Jacob's favor, He warns Laban, He appears to Jacob, and He blesses Jacob.
People often compare themselves to the apostles and early Christians. They say, "I could never be so wise, content, faithful..." This is the advantage the Jews had (Romans 3); they understood the nature of God. They assumed that since God blessed their imperfect ancestors they had it made. (Despite years of exile...) What a blessing we all have that God will bless imperfect people! What a blessing we have that God will bless everyone through Christ! There is no need for me to worry about how I stack up against Paul or Peter. God will bless me despite my sin, on one condition - I am faithful. Yes acts show our faith, but faith itself is also an act. Don't worry about how your acts of service or your shortcomings compare to those of others. Be thankful that God loves you, shows mercy, and blesses you. Just focus on being the most faithful you can be each day.


  1. Beautifully put Rae! The first fathers were given the promises, but they too were men and like us have to constantly remember that our blessings, gifts, grace, & mercy come from God. Our faith is necessary & required for the times we fail & need God's forgiveness

  2. I agree and appreciate the simple message I can take with me day in and day out - focus on being faithful. It came to mind out of the blue while driving the other day. It's such a simple phrase but with so much meaning, I found it to be really helpful in my daily life this week.
