Monday, January 9, 2012

Romans 6

Thanks to Candace & Kendra for setting this up for another year!

In Romans 6 Paul deals with an issue that some people raised. People were saying that sin is okay because God loves to give his grace and mercy and the more that people sin the more God gets to display his mercy and show how forgiving he really is. Paul says that this is wrong. The Lord has always wanted obedience over sacrifice. We know that the Lord does make provisions to forgive his people of sin, but his people should not be sinning willfully or habitually. Yes, from time to time we may slip up and sin, but that isn't supposed to be the normal for us. Paul says clearly that we should not continue to sin that grace may abound.

Another topic addressed in this chapter is that of being slaves to sin or to righteouness. Sometimes christians may think that being a child of God restricts or limits us because we can't participate in many of the activiteis the world can. However, the bible argues that not being a child of God actually makes one a slave to sin. Doing God's will and trusting in him actually makes us free. John 8:32 says "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

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