Friday, March 30, 2012

Peace? Yes, please

There is so much great stuff in Philippians 4, but I think v6-7 stand out to me the most where it tells us how to get the peace of God.

In this crazy world we live in where everything moves so fast and everyone is so busy, the peace of God is definitely something I want to have. And as with many things in the Bible, the answer is quite simple (although not always easy to put into practice):

Don't worry, just pray.

If we give our concerns to God and trust that He will take care of them, His peace will guard our hearts and minds. That sounds good to me! But the difficult part is trusting God enough to let go of whatever you're anxious about.

Of course this doesn't mean everything will go your way, but if we trust that God's way is much better than our way (Is 55:8-9) we can have God's peace with whatever is happening around us.

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