Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The creation account is pretty straight forward. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Gen 1:3

It almost sounds simple. I've heard/read the story of creation many times and sometimes I think I gloss over it without appreciating the magnitude. When I stop to think about the complexity of His creation (a gazillion species of wildlife, mountains, oceans, sun, moon, the human body, etc) it's mind boggling. God created everything from nothing in six days and today - thousands of years later - people are still learning new things about His design. Amazing.


  1. Thanks for sharing that Candace. I have never really thought about it like that. You are right, I have read that story many times too that I have almost gotten "comfortable" with it... Thanks ffor refreshing it for me :)

  2. We heard a great sermon in response to a question about what that light was. The sun and moon aren't created until later. I always took it for granted that God created light, just you know, light... It made me think about the awesome power of God. Thanks for reminding me again.
