Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Present Distress

Context is key again when reading 1 Corinthians 7. I think the key to this passage is verse 26. The present distress probably refers to the persecution going on at the time. Paul is probably saying that is best not to be married if you are currently single because of the persecution which was currently being waged on the early church in that city.

Today in our county we are fortunate enough not to be dealing with such persecution. I don't think Paul is giving a rule for all time that it is better to remain single than to be married. I don't think he is telling us that the only reason to be married is to stay away from sexual immorality.

The bible speaks very highly of the marraige relationship and we know that he who finds a wife finds a good thing (Prov 18:22). So, when studying this chapter, don't forget the context.

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