Thursday, February 9, 2012

True Rest and Happiness

Psalm 4 really brings home how true rest and happiness are found only in the ways of God, and not in the ways of the world.

I think it's interesting how David starts off addressing God by saying, "O God of my righteousness!" David recognized that not only was God righteous, but He was the source and sustainer of David's righteousness. We cannot be righteous on our own merit, but only because of what God has done. We cannot even truly do good things outside of a relationship with Him. This made me think about John 15:4-5, where Jesus is talking about abiding in Him and bearing fruit. I think it's interesting that the command is not to bear fruit; the command is to abide in Him, and then we will be able to bear fruit. "For apart from Me you can do nothing." (v.5)

Also, it seems that people of the world in David's time were much the same as people of the world today. He asks, "How long will my honor become a reproach? How long will you love what is worthless and aim at deception?" Today, many people of the world love engaging in what is wrong, and they make fun of those who do what's right. They call evil good and good evil, and they love to engage in deception and dishonesty.

But, as David says, the good news is that God has set His people apart to protect us and give us happiness despite all of this. If we will have the right attitude ("tremble"), examine ourselves constantly ("meditate in your heart upon your bed and be still"), do what is right ("offer the sacrifices of righteousness") and put our trust in Him, we will have rest and peace that the world cannot offer.

As in David's time, people today look for happiness and fulfillment in the wealth and pleasures of this world. They go around asking where they will find good (v. 6). But God offers happiness that surpasses the joy those people receive from things of the world. I don't mean to suggest we ought to derive no joy or pleasure from earthly things. I think God put many things here for us to enjoy and we ought to find happiness in our daily work and in producing and enjoying wealth. But these things will be gone one day and won't bring ultimate fulfillment.

I sometimes wonder what it's like to live life for those people who think this earthly existence is all there is. Thankfully, it doesn't have to be that way.

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